Towards global green leadership: priorities for cooperation between the BRICS countries on combating climate change

Towards global green leadership: priorities for cooperation between the BRICS countries on combating climate change

10 September 14:00


Towards global green leadership: priorities for cooperation between the BRICS countries on combating climate change

The Laboratory of Climate Change Economics, the Center for International and Comparative Legal Studies and the BRICS Expert Council - Russia have prepared a joint report. In the framework of the publication, the authors reviewed the climate policy of the BRICS countries, aspects of international cooperation in the field of climate policy. An analysis of the countries' participation in multilateral formats of cooperation in the field of climate, as well as within the association, was also carried out. Special emphasis was placed on the possibilities of developing cooperation between Russia and the BRICS countries.

The BRICS countries play a key role in the international climate agenda. After expansion, they account for about 30% of global GDP and 45% of the world's population, as well as more than half of global greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, the success of humanity's efforts to combat climate change depends to a large extent on the climate policy of the BRICS countries.

Climate policy is among the important national development priorities of most BRICS countries. Almost all member countries have goals to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050-2070. The exceptions are Egypt and Ethiopia, as well as Iran, which is not a party to the Paris Agreement. Emissions targets for 2030 vary in form and ambition in all countries, with the UAE and Saudi Arabia among the most ambitious, and Iran, Russia and Egypt among the least ambitious. Mandatory carbon pricing systems are available only in China and South Africa, and at the regional level – also in Russia, although three more countries have plans to introduce a carbon price. Many are also active in voluntary markets – especially the UAE and Saudi Arabia.  

The common goals of the BRICS countries in the field of energy are to increase the availability and reliability of energy supply, as well as the development of new energy technologies. Some of the member countries are the largest importers of fossil fuels, while others are the largest exporters. The energy balance of a number of countries (China, India, South Africa) is highly dependent on coal, while in other countries (Brazil and Russia) the share of clean energy is high, and Ethiopia still uses mainly traditional biomass. Nevertheless, almost all BRICS countries are focused on the transition to renewable energy: China is a world leader in this area. India, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and South Africa set high goals. The BRICS countries seek to address the challenges of energy transition in parallel with expanding energy availability and meeting the increasing demand for it in growing economies.  

Decarbonization of the most carbon–intensive sectors of the economy in the BRICS countries also varies in terms of tools and coverage, but common priorities are discernible - energy and resource efficiency. China, South Africa, and partly India are focusing on industrial decarbonization, while Brazil is focusing on reducing deforestation. Ethiopia, like Russia, seeks to maximize the potential of forest acquisitions, while Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates seek to diversify their economies. Despite the diversity, the plans of all BRICS countries are united by the agenda of energy and resource efficiency. The economy of many of them is dominated by sectors in which it is extremely difficult to achieve carbon neutrality.: this also explains the increased attention to offsets.  

The development of low–carbon technologies is one of the most promising areas of cooperation between the BRICS countries, as all of them have the potential for technological leadership in the field of various green solutions. China has been the most successful in this area; Saudi Arabia, India and Brazil are not far behind in a number of areas. China is also leading in the development of sustainable mobility, which is also a priority for Brazil, the UAE and India.  

Adaptation plays a crucial role in the climate policy of all BRICS members – each of them is significantly affected by the negative effects of climate change. The BRICS countries agree on the need to enhance the role of adaptation in the complex of climate policy measures and its importance in the international climate agenda.  

The BRICS countries have fairly close positions on the most important issues on the international climate agenda. Common challenges for them are the need to maintain stable socio-economic development in parallel with the green transition and limited resources to address these challenges. Accordingly, the priority topics on international platforms are issues of a fair transition, the expansion of climate finance and a limited desire to make new commitments to reduce emissions. The key is to ensure synergy between the fight against climate change and the achievement of other Sustainable Development Goals.  

Climate cooperation within the BRICS was not a priority until 2023. Nevertheless, climate is part of the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy until 2025 and has been an important element of the agenda for cooperation in the field of energy and environmental protection. Sustainable, including green financing within the framework of the association is carried out through projects of the New Development Bank, which, however, has suspended operations in Russia since 2022.  

During the South African presidency in 2023, climate issues within the framework of the BRICS came to the fore. There is a growing awareness in the countries of the association that the huge volumes of their economies and populations mean a special role in combating climate change. If this role consists in developing new approaches to economic growth and development, taking into account the constraints imposed by climate change, the BRICS countries will have the opportunity to become a true model for the entire developing world and turn climate issues into their field of leadership in the world.  

Due to the presidency in 2024, Russia has unique opportunities to promote its own agenda within the framework of the BRICS, including a significant expansion of cooperation on the climate track. This report substantiates the following priorities and directions of such cooperation:

  • adoption of common principles for combating climate change;
  • establishing an information and expert partnership in the field of climate; 
  • using and promoting the calculation of emissions by consumption; 
  • creation of a common green development infrastructure aimed at facilitating cross-border cooperation, including in the form of transfer of the results of reductions and climate finance.  
  • Report "Towards global green leadership: priorities for cooperation between the BRICS countries on combating climate change"
    Report "Towards global green leadership: priorities for cooperation between the BRICS countries on combating climate change"
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