Events22 May 12:00Moscow

October 1 - 3 | Moscow

  • Events1 October 12:00Moscow, Russia

    The VIII BRICS International School has become a record number of participants: 85 delegates from more than 35 countries came to Moscow

  • Events20 September 12:00

    New opportunities of the BRICS Educational Union were discussed at the international school in Kyrgyzstan

  • Events16 September 12:00Moscow

    A meeting of the working group of the BRICS Civil Society Forum "Culture, Sport and Tourism" was held in Moscow

  • Events11 September 12:00Russia, Moscow

    Vocational education and current development trends were discussed at the International Municipal Forum of the BRICS countries

  • Events3 September 12:00Moscow, Russia

    A session of the BRICS Expert Council was held within the framework of the WEF

  • Events22 July 12:00Russia, Moscow

    The BRICS Civil Society Forum has ended in Moscow: The participants adopted the final communique

  • Events22 July 12:00Russia, Ulyanovsk

    Representatives of the BRICS Expert Council took part in the X BRICS Youth Summit

  • Events12 July 12:00

    HSE University Launches Consortium of BRICS Law Schools

  • Events4 July 12:00

    MIA Rossiya Segodnya hosted a press conference on the results of the BRICS Civil Society Forum

  • Events4 July 12:00

    Well-known designer from Ural was inspired to create a conceptual scarf by the stunning BRICS women

  • Events3 July 12:00Russia, Moscow

    The BRICS Civil Society Forum in Moscow brought together more than 600 representatives of civil society

  • Events3 July 12:00Russia, Moscow

    The IX BRICS Civil Society Forum was held in Moscow